
Monday, July 27, 2015

I've Moved

If there's anyone out there who still reads my blog, this is a little announcement to let you know that I've been corrupted by tumblr. You've probably noticed that I haven't posted anything recently, and that's because tumblr has taken over my life. :/

This was a wonderful place for me to vent and for me to try to stay positive, but right now I don't need it anymore. Who knows? When school starts back up, I may come back to this blog, but for now I'm just not using it.

So, if you're interested in finding me on tumblr, my main blog is:
I also have an art side blog:
And a place for me that is more anonymous, where I post letters to things/ people that I'm thinking about:

Thank you so much for sticking around. I may or may not be back, but feel free to come visit me on the dark side (tumblr).