
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Go For It

There's thing thing that happens to me that I think is fairly common. I meet a new person or see someone and instantly become obsessed. Now, I'm not talking about an "oh my god I want to be your girlfriend" type of obsessed, instead, it's more like "Dude. Let's be friends. I need to be your friend right now. You are so awesome and so let's be besties."

I've started calling this phenomenon a friend-crush.

Recently, I had an opportunity to do a design workshop at school, and since none of my close friends were attending I was pretty nervous about the social aspect of it. Then I arrived and there was a girl, let's call her Annie, who I had secretly had one of these friend-crushes on for a while. We were acquaintances, but not really friends, and I just thought she was So Awesome. She could draw, write, act, play the ukulele, make videos, photograph, and just  about everything. As the hours past and we brainstormed ideas for our design projects, my friend-crush grew bigger and bigger. We were also starting to actually talk (weird thing here: if you talk to people it is easier to make friends). But then it was time to go. Usually when I meet someone awesome and we get along well at an event, we usually fall out of contact, even if I don't want us to, even if we see each other daily.

But then, Annie did something amazing. As we were waiting for my dad to pick me up, she said "I like you. We should be better friends." Whaaaat? She liked me? Those two sentences made me so happy that I completely opened up about my friend crush. It shouldn't have been such a big surprise to us that someone we connected with and shared so many passions with could have liked us too, but it was. Both of us were astounded but overjoyed at this discovery, so we exchanged phone numbers and stayed up texting until 10:30 that night (that's late for me). I had made a new friend, and all that it took was two sentences.

We are still friends, and now I have discovered a new way to make friends. I have promised myself that anytime I meet a totally awesome person, I'm going to steal Annie's lines and bluntly ask to be friends. I'm going to go for it, because what's the worst that could happen? A friendship might not bloom, but that's what would happen anyway if I just friend-crushed on someone from a distance for the rest of forever.

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