
Sunday, March 22, 2015

I'm Sorry! But Now I'm Back

I know, its been forever. Good thing I don’t have any readers anxiously waiting for my posts. I just haven’t felt inspired to write or do art or really do anything that I could share on my blog. I haven’t even been inspired to bake. It’s been a listless month. Even my grades are slipping. Now look at me, I’m using this post to complain to you. That’s why I didn’t write a post in the past few weeks. I knew it would be all sad and mopey. Ok, so a quick update on my life (I’m only sharing the happy parts).

I’m applying for a summer apprenticeship where I would be paid to help make a ceramic mosaic for a public building in my city. (I don’t know if I’ll get this, but I really want to)

Remember the scholastic art award I was talking about in this post? My chicken poster won a silver key nationally! That means I can maybe go to NYC for the awards ceremony (depending on if there’s enough tickets and how much it would cost). So I’m super excited for that.

I guess I have been creating a little bit. My friend and I have been anonymously making paper cranes and hanging them in a tree at school.The two of us have turned this speech by Neil Gaiman into our motto: make good art from bad things. I like making art that nobody knows was me.

We’re going to DC for spring break! My family hasn’t taken a vacation (excepting camping and family visits) for a reeeaaaally long time and I’ve never been anywhere further east than Texas. 

I’ll be volunteering at my library this summer. I haven’t volunteered there since I was 12 because I kept missing the deadlines, but I AM NOT missing the deadline this year.

I read this super awesome book of short stories yesterday that was very very open about lesbian, gay, and transsexual relationships (like that was the whole point of the book). So much feels from this book. Disclaimer: a few of the stories were very explicit. By the way, the book was called How Beautiful the Ordinary. 

I got bangs! It was kind of a compromise with myself to keep myself from shaving my head… But I really really like them. And I really really like that if I straighten them flat they start to cover my eyes. It makes me feel like I can actually hide from the world.

I went out to dinner the other night with my friends (?). I dunno if I’d still call them my friends… Anyway, it was amazing. It was the first time in a month or so that I really felt accepted by all of them and it was hilarious. There were lots of pepper antics. Like, involving pepper and water on the table and the pepper randomly appearing in piles. Yes, we're immature. 

Ok, that’s it. I’ll try to post more regularly. Look at the pretty art:

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