
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I am a contradiction.

I am a contradiction.

By society’s standards, everything about me is a contradiction. The idea that I am a contradiction is a contradiction.

I am a girl who sometimes likes other girls.

I am feminist, but I don’t get offended that words like “pussy” are insults.

I am a nerd, but I don’t like Dungeons and Dragons or video games or math or programming.

For the past three years, I have the best grades in science, but science is my least favorite subject.

I love art but can’t draw without a teacher helping me.

My favorite type of music is country, but I don’t believe in God or beer or trucks.

My Pandora shuffle is a mix of country, rap, and 90s rock, but as I am writing this, I am listening to Call Me Maybe.

I want to be independent, but I need the love of others so much.

I’m over my ex, but I still cry about him at night.

I’ve cried because I don’t have things I need to fit in with a cowboy crowd, but when I spend time with this same cowboy crowd, I purposefully dress like a city girl.

I always act happy, but a lot of the time I am about to cry.

I don’t cry, ever, except when no one can see me.

I am shy, but I love to perform in plays or give speeches. But I hate to give speeches for people I know.

I giggle, but my laugh is harsh.

I love to dance in crowds, but being in a crowd stresses me out.

Seeing people in love makes me so happy, but seeing people in love makes me sad and mad.

I am always cold except when everyone around me is cold.

I want people to ask how I am, but when they do, I lie.

I really want to just go to college already, but I really don’t want to go to college.

I love animals but would never want to be a vet.

I want flawless skin, but I love the stories that my scars tell.

I love my boobs, but I wear clothes that de-emphasize them.

I love my long hair but want to shave half of it off, and I love that my hair is red but want to dye it all bright purple.

I don’t like to draw attention, but my favorite pants are a pair of bright blue high-waisted shorts.

I am a ginger that has a soul.

Do these contradictions make me human? Or do they mean that I have a broader insight? Or are they as crazy-weird as I think they are?

All I really know is that these contradictions added together mean that I don’t really know where I fit in. Does anyone else feel like this? Anyways, sorry for the angsty-ness of this post, hopefully you at least learned something about me.

1 comment:

  1. This is so so much about how I feel sometimes. I love your phrase 'I want people to ask how I am, but when they do, I lie.'
    I didn't really know if it's just me who just can't decide in so many points, or if there are more people out in the world who think like that sometimes..
    you're great ♥
    love, lena
